Experienced Denture Wearers
Those of you who have had dentures before must expect to encounter some difficulty with new dentures; it is normal. Your problems may not be as extensive as the "first time" denture wearer, but you too can expect a few weeks of getting back to normal Understand that old dentures are a little like old shoes, even though they may be worn out and do not continue to give adequate support, you are used to them. Similarly, you probably have had eight to ten years experience with your present dentures. They work for you - especially the lowers - because your lips, cheeks, and tongue have all collectively trained themselves to help you make them work. Now you must learn "new tricks." New chewing patterns require your muscles to be re-educated to assist you with a new up-to-date shape. Do not put your old dentures back in your mouth.
Nothing will defeat the success of new dentures so completely than to switch back to an old set. Put your old dentures away and do not even look at them. It is most important that you have uninterrupted experience with your new dentures for several days, maybe weeks. Do not defeat your efforts for success and the efforts of your denturist by cheating and using your old dentures.